
An Unintentionally Fail Fleet

So, we were bored and one of the alliance FC's was like, "Hey! Let's go screw around in Pure Blind!" So we get there, 5 or so jumps... and there's nothing going on.  So bored, we check intel for the nearest available fight.  Well, it just so happens that there's a 16 man gang next door.  We're all thinking "WOOT! Fight time!!!" However, while we may have 2x the numbers (about 30), they had 2 logi's to our 0. 

We thought we could take them and we probably could have.  Let me first say I don't think this was the FC's fault, he tried his best.  He was as clear as he could have been.  Still, it should have been easy: go in, kill logis first, and then take out the rest. Except for one tiny problem: we got confused with our targets.

See, they had a guy named TheOnePunisher, flying a Scimitar.  They also had a punisher in fleet, you know the little Amarr T1 frigate.  The Scimmy was called primary, FC said "Primary the Scimi's as they uncloak!",  shortly followed by "PRIMARY IS THE PUNISHER!!!"  Now you can see where this is going. 

Despite having clearly stated that the SCIMITARS were the primary, some people looked for and fired upon their punisher.  If only this was the only fail thing that happened.

Before this, when we were hunting this fleet and playing gate games, we had 2 dictors.  The first one, a sabre got popped trying to trap the enemy fleet.  The second one, a flycatcher, was a total dumbass.  He took the FC's silence during our cloaking time to mean "BUBBLE UP!"  He repeatedly bubbled up as the fleet attempted to warp.  This happened often, and our HIC pilot got blamed several times.  It was a pain. 

All told, our fleet got 1 kill, an Apoc who logofskied and then we caught him on log in, so only one person got on the kill.  Comparing that to our 5 losses, a frig, a dic, and a 3 battlecruisers, it looks pretty bad.  Sorry to our FC, who was pretty cool about the fail.  And despite the fact that it was a unsuccesful roam, I still had fun.  Nothing like being locked up by 15 reds, while aligning in retreat knowing they could at any moment drop a point on you. 

In other news, my corp has instigated a 15 kill/month policy which is entirely reasonable.  However, I have gotten exactly 1 kill this month, and that was a pod.  Blame CTA's where we shoot nothing but towers and the ones where we kill things (iHubs and POS's) are at 3 in the morning.  I have school and errands to do.  No thanks, so I have some work to do.

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