
On POS Bashing

Ok, so a few posts back I said I would never ever go POS bashing again.

Well, it seems that I lied.  I ended up going on a CTA about 10 minutes after I posted that blog, in which we attacked 5 POS Towers with upwards of 500 people, and 4 titans.  This, however, was a lot less boring, but definitely a lot more laggy.  I have to say I was impressed, the POS's dropped like rocks.  We shot two, and I got on both KM's (along with 300 other people).  Then our 250 man drake fleet headed out to X70 where we we camped the stations for an hour, but only got one kill, a vagabond.  So much for that.  Besides, who'd really want to engage a huge fleet anyway?

So after that, I went back home and hit the sack.  There wasn't much else going on, and it was about 12:50 AM.  It was a long day, and I have an even busier one today, what with RL work and all.  Homework is a bitch.

Hoping you get into a fight today,


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