
EVE Binge Over

No I'm not quitting, just a little bored (with EVE) and busy as hell.  Plus we're at war and since my main flies my Orca that makes it pretty hard to go out and about my business of Mission Runner Ganking.


But I can't wait to get back in the game!

My Orca alternate will soon be ready, hurray!  Just about 12 more days until I can finally inject the industrial command ships book into his already bloated head!  Then it's off to the land of the Amarrian golden-already-shiny ships that I can't wait to fly fully skilled!  Sacrilege/Pulse Apoc here I come! My main meanwhile is gaining the ability to fly all manners of T2 Minmatar ships, under 6 days now until he can fly Cheetah, Hound, Jaguar, and the Wolf.  Who cares about the others?  I am also training up my scanning skills which I regret not including in my regime before my remap.  If only I had known that with excellent skills you can scan down armor tanking battleships at 8 AU!  Ah well, I have 12 days until my Orca alt is ready anyway.  Might as well fill that time with "Ninja Support" skills.

I really don't have much else to report.  Our current war is with some butt-hurt Russian Macro-ers who decided to kill our baiting fleet's loots about two weeks ago.  Herp Derp.

We flipped the loot as fast as we could, he scooped it and got aggro on us.  We popped him.  He then came back a bit later once his aggression counter had run out.  We warped in some suicide alts and got both his ship and his pod.  Fuck you Mimol! 

He apparently went a little crazy after this because he lost about 400M ISK worth of implants.  LOL!  The war dec vote was put in within 30 minutes of his podding: sped up with the aid of taunts, jeers and other instigation's of rage by SN member.  "Trolololol" is the word of the day when you decide to steal from a Ninja.

So tonight I say goodnight to you.  My wallet is still comfortable padded from my Navy Raven kill a few nights ago (I seem to have more and more ISK lying around now than ever before...) and I have some Butt-Hurt Russian Macro-Douchebags to kill in my WARCA! 


Hianmar, a.k.a. TheEVEGamer

PS: To any of my readers (if any, I don't really check), could you kindly tell me if the Daredevil is worth purchasing?  I already have a Dramiel (Just got this weekend!), but I haven't had a chance to fly it yet what with multiple wars and having bought it in Jita: City of Lag and WT Douchebaggery.

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