
Hunter Gets Hunted

Today, I will admit, I tried to get into the world of corporate theft and scamming.  I tried to get in with some wormhole corps who would be careless enough to let me have access to their corporate hanger array.  Let me just say this... I failed miserably. 

I hooked up with a guy who said that his corporation was running C5's with Drakes and Tengu's.  I was enticed by the idea of stealing this, and got all piggy eyed.  I ignored some of the obvious signs:
It looked cool but their static was way out in 0.0.  They said not to worry, they were friendly with the local alliances and were blue with AAA.  I was wary, but I had only told them I had a Drake.  They said they could provide logistics and get my stuff out there, so I decided I'd let them handle that.

See where this is going?

I got scammed.  They took my drake, which was all I gave them fortunately.  I checked half an hour later where the guy was when he said he was half way to the static, and he was still in the same system.  When he severed all contact I knew I had been duped.  Later they invited me to their public channel and said haha and had a good laugh at my expense.  I left, feeling smart that the drake was all I had given them. 

Lesson learned? Trust no one.  The people that look innocent and you may want to scam are probably trying to scam you.  I've since decided that I'm going to join Suddenly Ninjas, or YOINK.  I'm done being a carebear, and I crave the tears that are produced by the ignorant and willfully stupid.

Good luck and fight dirty,
Hianmar, a.k.a. TheEVEGamer

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