time fly really does fly when your having fun.
The last 9 days in SN have been a blast. We've killed several more lemmings, including a several hundred million ISK Worm, a gutsy Impel or two, a Noctis, and of course my first T3 kill: Banga74's Tengu. There are plenty of more kills, just check me out on battleclinic.
Anyway, there weren't too many payouts from this (there were 8 people on the worm mail for example), but it has still been fun.
We have also war decc'd the Incursion Corp Excuses, only to watch as they slowly disband down to their core few corporations. I got one or two war target kills, a thorax and something else, but they aren't really worth linking.
I also discovered that I fail at ransoming, I did try to ransom DeadEye2010's Orca, in my previous post, but it didn't work out. I think he panicked and wasn't thinking too clearly. Too bad it didn't work out, that would have been another couple million ISK per person.
There are lots of other things going on at the moment, but it is too classified to talk about until after the deeds are done. =P
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